This Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, and educational, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.The purpose of the Association is to form a strong body of interested professional organizations to identify and solve common problems in the field of property management and to participate in joint activities, but not limited too; such as education and community, for the ultimate benefit of all property management associations and the community. The Corporation may, upon a majority vote of the Board of Directors, take positions upon and communicate its position on pending legislation and other matters of interest to the members. Finally, the Corporation shall work with the local community for the purpose of charitable giving within that community.
Acquaintance and contact with others in the same profession. Develop helpful outside business contacts. Learn others' work, problems, and successes. Stimulate the desire to be of service to fellow members. Provide new outlook on one's own position in management: its value to the community of condominium residents and as a source of personal gain. Gain associate membership in CAI National organization.
There shall be two types of membership, Manager and Associate. Associate members shall enjoy all the rights of membership with the exception of the right to vote. One associate member elected to the Board of Directors shall have the right to vote at Board Meetings.
To attend meetings regularly.
To pay dues promptly.
To actively participate in meetings, conferences, seminars,
committee activities, and other
planned functions.
Article I
Election of Directors and Officers
Section 1: At a regular meeting, one month prior to the annual election of officers, the presiding officer shall ask for nominations of members of the Association and Associate Members to serve on the Board of Directors. Nominations may be presented by nominating committee or by members from the floor. A nominating committee shall be constituted as a standing committee and be composed of the Vice President and one non-Board member and one non- Board associate member. No nomination, as defined in Article Ill, shall be submitted unless the nominee has been notified and has accepted such nomination prior to the date of the meeting at which nominations are received. Nominees' names shall be placed on a ballot in alphabetical order and voted for at the March meeting. The six candidates, five members of the Association and one associate member, receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The Board Members elected shall assume their duties immediately following the election. Section 2: A vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filed by a member in good standing appointed by the Board of Directors until the next annual election meeting. This election shall be made within the membership category of the vacancy. This section shall apply if the President chooses not to assume the position of "Ex Officio" as stated in Article III, Section 7.
Article II
Board of Directors
The governing body of this Association shall be the Board of Directors, elected in accordance with Article I of these By-Laws. It shall include a President, a Vice President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a Parliamentarian, and an "ex officio" member.
Article III
Duties of Officers
Section 1: President. It shall be the duty of the President to
preside at Association and Board meetings and to perform such
other duties as ordinarily pertain to that office. An associate
member serving on the Board of Directors may not assume the
position of President.
Section 2: Vice President. It shall be the duty of the Vice President
to preside at Association and Board meetings in the absence of the
President and to perform such duties as ordinarily pertain to that
office, including but not limited to selection and verification of
meeting locations.
Section 3: Recording Secretary. It shall be the duty of the
Recording Secretary to keep membership records, record meeting
attendance, and record and preserve minutes of such meetings.
Minutes of meetings may be posted in the monthly newsletter.
Section 4: Corresponding Secretary. It shall be the duty of the
Corresponding Secretary to send out notice of committee, board,
and association meetings, edit, publish, and distribute the
Association Newsletter and handle all Association correspondence,
as directed.
Section 5: Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have
custody of all funds, accounting for the same to the Association
monthly and at other time upon demand by the Board, and to
administer the Association's fmancial affairs. There shall be a
checking account at a local bank maintained by this officer.
Withdraws shall require the signature of the Treasurer, and
designated officer exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Upon
retirement from office, the Treasurer shall transfer to his or her
successor or President, all funds, books of accounts or other
Association property in his or her possession.
Section 6: Parliamentarian. It shall be the duty of the
Parliamentarian to insure that, except as herein provided to the
contrary, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all questions of
parliamentary procedure. The Parliamentarian shall keep all records
and changes in By-Laws for proposed amendments.
Section 7: "Ex Officio" Board Member. The immediate past
president shall become an "ex officio" member of the Board and in
the event of a resignation, see Article I, Section 2.
Article IV
Section 1: Annual Meeting. The Association's Annual Meeting shall
be on the second Tuesday in March, at which time, six (6)
members, five members and one associate member will be elected
to the Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year. Nominees
shall be elected by ballot in accordance with these By-Laws, and
shall be selected from those whose names were presented to the
membership at the February meeting. The Board will be elected in
its entirety each year. There is no restriction on the number of
terms a board member may serve. The election to the office of
President, Vice President, Recording secretary, Corresponding
Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian will be held by the Board
after the Annual Meeting and before the next regularly scheduled
monthly meeting.
Section 2: Regular Association meetings shall be monthly,
September through May on the second Tuesday of each month at
12:30 p.m. unless otherwise deemed appropriate by the Board of
Directors. Meetings will be suspended June through August. Due
notice of any changes in or canceling of a regular meeting shall be
given to all members of the Association by the
Section 3: A majority of the voting membership in person or by
proxy shall constitute a quorum at Association annual and regular
meeting, for purpose of any By-Law changes.
Article V
Section 1: Qualifications for membership in the DCMA shall be as
a. Members shall be condominium associations, management
groups, homeowners associations or planned unit developments
who may
provide assistance in daily property management.
b. Associate Members shall be a business or profession that
engages in offering supplies, services or support to property
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall serve as an Ethics
Committee to investigate membership qualifications of prospective
members and to review complaints and/or reports of prospective
member's ethical practices. Each membership application shall be
read at the next regular meeting of DCMA or posted in the monthly
newsletter prior to scheduled meeting. Any unfavorable reports
shall be investigated within 10 days after the application has been
submitted. The Ethics Committee's recommendation will be
presented to the membership at the next regularly scheduled
meeting and the applicant will be notified accordingly. If the Ethics
Committee is unable to come to a decision, the membership will
make the final decision.
Section 3: Prospective members may attend meetings provided
they are sponsored by a member or an associate member. A
sponsored guest is limited to attendance at two (2) consecutive
meetings only and then must apply for membership in accordance
with the By-Laws.
Section 4: A membership packet which shall include but not be
limited to a copy of the Association By-Laws, a list of members,
membership card, and committee activity, shall be presented to
newly inducted members.
Article VI
Fees and Dues
Section 1: A one time initiation fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for
members and one hundred dollars ($100.00) for associate members
is required.
Section 2: Annual dues for members shall be seventy-five dollars
($75.00) and annual dues for associate members shall be one
hundred dollars ($100.00). All dues are payable by the first day of
January and become delinquent on the fifteenth of that same
month. If a member or associate member has not paid by this date,
they must be reinstated into membership as required in this Article,
Section 1 and 2. Dues may be increased or decreased at the
discretion of the Board of Directors.
Section 3: All members shall receive a Membership Certificate upon
Section 4: For Future Use.
Section 5: A membership list will be given each member and
associate member annually.
Section 6: If there is more than one person representing any one
condominium association, management group, homeowners
association or planned community development, only one will be
considered a member in those incidents of voting or DCMA
sponsored events.
Article VII
Method of Voting
Association business shall be transacted by "viva voce"; except the election of Board members, which shall be by ballot.
Article VIII
The President shall appoint committees as required.
Article IX
Resolutions and Subscriptions
All resolutions to commit this Association on any matter must have been previously considered and approved by the Board.
Article X
Order of Business
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Introduction of Visitors Business
3. Reading of Minutes
4. Correspondence and Announcements
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Committee Reports
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
9. Address or Other Program Features
10. Adjournment
Article XI
These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting, a quorum present, as stated in Article IV, Section 3, provided that notice of such proposed amendment shall have been presented to the membership at a regularly scheduled meeting prior to voting on final proposal and shall have been presented to membership in writing at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting. Membership shall be notified of date of voting and shall include proxies. A proxy vote to amend these By-Laws shall be acceptable from any member entitled to vote but who cannot be present.
Article VIII
1. March 12, 1991
2. April 13, 1993
3. October 12, 1993
4. March, 1997
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